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Explore the Hidden Island CATAN In Toy’s Treasure

Explore the Hidden Island CATAN  In Toy’s Treasure

An innovative board game, with the features which has never been introduced in any other world of toys, is CATAN. Several board games are available at the market place for your entertainment and increasing your cognitive skills. But on the other hand, Catan Board Game is distinct from all because here a player who acts likes a settler on an unknown island is on the voyage of developing that island. A settler is on the quest of gaining the 10 points of victory by constructing buildings, streets, roads, settlements, and cities with the help of appropriate resources. Various resources are accessible in the game. By thinking very profoundly, resources such as bricks, woods, lumber, iron ore, mix grains, fleece are made part of the game, which is inspired by reality. Furthermore, these resources are used by a player to build a city and gain points accordingly. Gradually, as a settler rolls down the dices and moves around the segregated tiles which encompasses mountains, slopes, deserts, local pastures, harbors, forests, one erects a structure and connects one territory to another by building roads.  Hence, following these steps from beginning till the end of the game, a player accumulates and loses points which he/she has gained from constructing via resources. And finally manages to have those 10 points of victory.


Well talking about losing points, at times due to the tricks incorporated in the game a player’s constructed edifice is at treacherous. This mishap emerges precisely on desert tile, where robber token is placed and a settler is forbidden to avail any resources. But if a player rolls number 7 on the two-sided dice, that robber shifts to another tile and makes it infertile. After removing the robber from the tile, then a player can get a resource card which states the names of any one of the resources.

CATAN FSK-7189900

CATAN FSK-7189900     
Are you experiencing all together with a new level of gaming from this game? I am sure you must be because the element which entices the players’ through-out the game and makes them detachable from their seats is the best option for playing a board game. The elements in the game are hexagonal territory tiles, beachfront edge pieces, harbor pieces, wooden settlements, wooden urban communities, wooden streets, asset cards, improvement cards, building cost cards, uncommon extra cards, and number tokens.  With the combination of all these elements, a player plays a game of building a city, roads, streets, settlements, and buildings. A player had to focus on how to explore each hexagonal tile with different landscapes and build upon the same with the help of resources to earn stipulated victory points.


This board game allows it interested players to choose from a wide variety of its categories. It offers a broader scope for deciding which Catan game, to be played. The list starts from Seafers, Cities and Knights, Traders & Barbarians and Explorers & Pirates. Every category is distinguished from one another. Sears is based on exploring the archipelago island and gold is termed as resources. Similarly, cities and knight is associated with the knights defending the island from unwanted invaders or barbarians and here paper, coins and clothes are used as resources.


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