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Stick to the Last Minute and Win the Monopoly Board Game

Stick to the Last Minute and Win the Monopoly Board Game

A proverb says, “Patience is the key to success.” It’s right at least in the case of Monopoly board games. There is a variety of these games made by the maker. Be it a fast-trading game or be it a banking game, you need to stay till the last minute to win a game. Kids are fond of these games because they get fun by playing the Monopoly Board Game.

A board game is always a matter of interest for the kids as well as the teenagers. There are tricks in this sport where you need to be careful about every move of your opponent. They will try to trap you, but you need not fall into it. By showing your patience, you can be a leader.

The monopoly board game consists of various features like Event Cards and Property which needs to be dealt with carefully. Hang on to this piece to get an idea of some realistic board games from Monopoly.

Monopoly Game of Thrones Board Game HSB - E32780000

Monopoly Game of Thrones Board Game HSB - E32780000

A tribute to the hit TV series from HBO, 'Game of Thrones', this Monopoly Board Game gives the opportunity to the players to journey to the famous lands of 'Westeros'. Meanwhile, a kid can purchase, sell as well as trade places that are within the seven Empires in this Hasbro Monopoly Board Game.

There are six game tokens in this board game that are made taking inspiration from the honorary sigils of the great houses. Now you will have to decide who will you pledge your loyalty. This mindful game of board also consists of 42 gold dragons and 53 silver stags cardboard coins. The gameboard, as well as the box, have been designed by graphics that are inspired from the 'Game of Thrones’ TV series of HBO.

In this commemorative version of Monopoly Board Game, you can find 32 holdfasts and 12 castles in place of houses and hotels. The properties shown here are parts of the HBO TV series. Now, the most interesting thing is that you can also hear the 'Game of Thrones’ theme music by pressing the button on the music stand that is attached to the iron throne card holder.

Such a nice monopoly business game will surely be a fun for your kids.

Monopoly Game Cheater's Edition Board Game HSB - E18712840

Monopoly Game Cheater's Edition Board Game HSB - E18712840

From the variety of Monopoly Board games that are available at Funcorp, this Cheater’s Edition is one of them. It is one of the unique board games from the brand where you have a chance to follow the rules or break it. Cheating is a part of this pretty game.

There are monopoly cards for cheating in this board game. Players get inspiration to cheat from these cheat cards. If you can accomplish you will get rewarded, otherwise pay for the consequences.
Every monopoly board game has its own characters that make it different than the others. It’s your time to decide which one suits your kid the best.


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