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Take The Gaming To Next Level Through Catan

Take The Gaming To Next Level Through Catan

CATAN” untouched island with ample of resources which are impossible to resist.  The natural beauty which is highly dominated by beautiful landscapes is breathtaking and inevitable.  Additionally, without any restriction, any age visitor can land upon this island. In other words, even if you are at a tender age you can land up or if your age is closer to retirement you can too land upon the same. Well, these sentences might sound very ambiguous. So making it clear, this whole description is about a renowned CATAN BOARD GAME which was first introduced in the year 1995 by Franch-Kosmos Verlog as Die Sielder Von Catan. The motive behind the introduction of this game was to let players uphold in a stringent environment in the form of the board game.


Here, the term resources are used for bricks, fleece, woods, iron-ore, mix gains, lumber, and metals. Further, landscapes signify mountains, slopes, forests, deserts, harbors, local pastures on the island. Whereas a player of any age can play this game, it is a game which any age group will definitely enjoy. So, starting with a description of the game, 3-4 players can participate in the game at once. A player is termed as a settler on the island, who moves around the hexagonal board, divided into 19 different subhexagonal tiles, with different landscapes.  Each hexagonal tile consists, of some resources which a player can avail. Except for the tile with desert which forbids a player to acquire any resources. Gradually, by moving around each tile, a player needs to build streets, roads, settlements, buildings, and city too on the same with the applicable resources. By doing so throughout the game, a player collects resources, builds the infrastructure and earns 10 points for the victory. Well, collecting resources can be done via resource cards or can trade off with other players too.

Collecting resources and constructing an edifice is easy, but maintaining the same becomes difficult in some situations, that situation which is unexpected and peril. A robber might pop-ups in any tile, which will prohibit a player to get any resource. Initially, a robber token is placed on desert tile but can be moved on another tile if seven is rolled and then desired resources can be accessed.


is completely dedicated to the settlers of an unknown island to develop the same. For developing the island several ingredients are incorporated in the packaging. Ingredients such as 95 asset cards, 25 improvement cards, 4 building cost cards, and 2 uncommon extra cards,18 number tokens, 6 beachfront edge pieces, 9 additional harbor pieces, 20 wooden settlements, 16 wooden urban communities, 60 wooden streets, 2 six-sided dice, 1 wooden looter pawn. With the help of these ingredients a settler who first gains 10 points after building a road, settlement, city or building with the help of appropriate resources in the game.

So ultimately the goal of each player is to gain the 10 points to win the game. And the first player who manages to earn the stipulated points for winning is declared as the winner of the game.


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